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About Esselon Ethiopia Coffee

  • Origin: Ethiopia
  • Region: Gedeo
  • Varietals: Ethiopian Heirloom
  • Altitude: 5000+ ft.
  • Process: Washed
  • Drying: Sundried on raised beds
  • Harvest: February – July

 Fair Trade, Organic
Roast Level: Light
Tasting Notes: Floral aromatics, citrus, baker’s chocolate
Suggested Brew Method: Drip, French Press, Pour-Over, AeroPress

Varietal Notes: Ethiopian Heirloom varietals are among the most coveted varietals on the planet. With over 1000 varietals in cultivation and possibly thousands more as yet undocumented, undiscovered heirloom varietals are constantly being sought-out in the hope of adding yet another layer of complexity to the world’s coffee supply.

Origin: The Yirgacheffe Coffee Farmers Cooperative Union (YCFCU) was established in June 2002, representing nearly 44,000 farmers who are members of 26 coops in the Gedeo region of Southern Ethiopia. The coops produce Organic and Fair Trade certified coffee and are spread over 6 districts: Yirgacheffe, Gedeb, Wonango, Dilla Zuria, Bule, and Kochere. The coffee-producing land area exceeds 62,000 hectares (153,000 acres) and YCFCU produces both washed and natural Yirgacheffe coffee.

YCFCU’s Fair Trade pricing has helped its members build schools, install electricity in remote areas, build (or improve) new roads and bridges and reinvest in their farms. Health, credit and women’s programs are all in process of being established.

More about coffee history in Ethiopia →